593 An HONEST QUESTION…. What say you?? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Oldpatriot 3 years ago by Oldpatriot +593 / -0 70 comments download share 70 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This is why we never say Amen on our prayers, we just end with Jesus Christ. Still gets a response even though there wasn't a J in the alphabet then.
"... in Jesus' name... <hold it, hold it>... <dammit it just doesn't sound right without it> ...Amen.
Amen is always capitalized right? Because it's a proper name of a diety I would guess.
Does that mean Jesus's name isn't legitimate enough unless you drag that Egyptian deity in there too?
Maybe the Hebrew explanation is more comfortable for everyone. Too much of a can of worms.
Capitalized only because it's the first word in a sentence, even if it's the only word in the sentence.
Why does a prayer need to end? Can we live our whole life in prayer?
No. We need an F chord followed by a C chord after everything important we say. No exceptions.
In Yeshua’s name I pray” does it for me 🙏