Yep. A whole generation ripped from us. Im about to give birth to a little boy and I am so sad to know the children who would have been his peers are in heaven. God save the kids; enlighten the parents. Remove veils and allow truth to be the milk and honey of the land, please.
Oh yeah you better believe Im doing a home birth. They aren’t going to poke and prod my kid or I and hell no I am NOT wearing a mask while pushing. Lord have mercy on the poor soul who hands me a mask while Im in labor. LOL
Husband had prostate cancer surgery several years ago. Great decision. No problems. Read research about taking viagra daily before surgery and almost immediately after surgery daily. Viagra is almost free with a Sam's plus membership. He had an excellent surgeon at MD Anderson. Praying you have great results.
At first I was a little worried - I have a girl first and since I am a woman I know girls like no problem. I was like “oh no what do I do with a boy...” but now I am so excited and so thrilled to meet the little ham! If I have to get my butt up and throw a ball for this kid then FINE! 😍
Yep. A whole generation ripped from us. Im about to give birth to a little boy and I am so sad to know the children who would have been his peers are in heaven. God save the kids; enlighten the parents. Remove veils and allow truth to be the milk and honey of the land, please.
Congrats on your new little patriot! Prayers for a safe delivery, God bless.🙏🎉
Hey thank you so much! I was hoping Id get some angels praying for me and my little man. So excited for this boy
Dear Lord, bless this baby boy and his parents. May he grow strong and healthy with your love and guidance. Amen.
🙏🏻 Thank you 🙏🏻
Will you give birth at home? Reason I ask is my growing fear of what is happening in the hospitals. Facing prostate surgery here
Oh yeah you better believe Im doing a home birth. They aren’t going to poke and prod my kid or I and hell no I am NOT wearing a mask while pushing. Lord have mercy on the poor soul who hands me a mask while Im in labor. LOL
Husband had prostate cancer surgery several years ago. Great decision. No problems. Read research about taking viagra daily before surgery and almost immediately after surgery daily. Viagra is almost free with a Sam's plus membership. He had an excellent surgeon at MD Anderson. Praying you have great results.
At first I was a little worried - I have a girl first and since I am a woman I know girls like no problem. I was like “oh no what do I do with a boy...” but now I am so excited and so thrilled to meet the little ham! If I have to get my butt up and throw a ball for this kid then FINE! 😍