It’s a modern day 🔥book-burning🔥! Can I get an AMEN, ALLELUIA?! Link in comments
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It’s a symbolic effort towards a moral revolution, and they’re doing more for that cause than keyboard warriors. Plus God is keen on the smashing of evil so...
I dont see how book burning would convince anyone to join our cause. Is it just sybolism for the sake of symbolism? Theres no point. Who on earth looks at a book burning event and thinks "man those guys really have some good and loving views, i should join them!" Its like a more violent version of holding up a sign that says "witchcraft bad!"
I don’t think it’s meant to be “loving”. Think about what Moses did when he came down and found everyone worshipping a golden calf. How did he handle that evil?
and theyre doing more than keyboard warriors??? HAHAHA yeah right. Some small group in some random town burns some books that anyone can get online anyway and that has more of an effect than patriots dealing memes and hard facts to a global audience on a public forum online. Yeah youre totally right
You clearly don’t understand it. Unfortunate.
Lol no i understand it perfectly. You explained it very well. Its unfortunate that its such an awful idea cause you seem really enthusiastic about it.
Lmfao how does golden calf = unlimited online book resources? I get that the books are like an idol but thats the loosest analogy.
This is the bottom line, you do the book burning as a symbol of whatever value you want to push. The purpose of such a protest is to strengthen support and send a message right? Well the message youre sending isnt a good one cause Book burning is IMMEDIATELY associated with authoritarian dictatorships by the vast majority of people. Go ask anyone you pass on the street "what comes to mind when i say "book burning"?" And see what they say. The only people who will look favorably at your actions would be people who are already as extreme and bad at coming up with ideas as you and that pastor.
You don’t understand SYMBOLISM, and this has nothing to do with online books. Further, they burned ouija boards, Disney glasses, etc, so you didn’t read the article. Burning this evil DOES send a message that WE are not going to tolerate filth and satanic witchcraft. If you can’t get that, I can’t help you. Further, this isn’t “authoritarian dictatorship”; this is a church. No, he’s not my pastor. I’m Catholic, we have an Index of Forbidden Books. For a reason. And lastly, no one here championing First Amendment should have any problem whatsoever with this FREEDOM. It works both ways.