I mean that’s usually what happens when you expect something, you have expectations and you generally have a pretty rough idea in your mind of what you expect. I mean no matter what number they are expecting it’s going to be a “specific” number. If they expect 600, that’s specific. If they expect 2000, that’s specific period in there estimation they expect 1000.
Ottawa statement when blm protesting… https://twitter.com/ValValpuriam/status/1489650671284596737?s=20&t=F07rvL4nVgErZkaiytubPQ
I mean that’s usually what happens when you expect something, you have expectations and you generally have a pretty rough idea in your mind of what you expect. I mean no matter what number they are expecting it’s going to be a “specific” number. If they expect 600, that’s specific. If they expect 2000, that’s specific period in there estimation they expect 1000.
That needs to be posted far and wide. What a bunch of hypocrites.