DWS' brother was a DA in DC and helped cover up the murder. And I think a detective investigating the SR murder was shot in the back of the head twice on a beach in Broward County. His death was ruled a suicide.
I looked up Arkansas and DWS and the only hit I can find is ADWS -- Arkansas Division of Workforce Services.
The current director is Clarissa Childers, who held the position since 2019. I tried to find info on who she succeeded but couldn't find anything on that.
She is an Arkansan and have worked with children prior to filling in the role of the director.
Wasn't DWS Debbie Wasserman Schultz? I thought she was Broward County, FL. Just asking.
Yeah, that shouldn’t be Arkansas. Unless there is some Clinton tie I don’t know of.
Yea this keystone Q gave is extremely big pictured, some parts I'm like whawhawhaaaaaat.
but previous line talked about Seth Rich's murder
MS13 connection
so we're onto a murder theme here, Arkansas ... well, look up arkansas deaths ... i think it's right in this context. Debbie doesn't fit here.
DWS' brother was a DA in DC and helped cover up the murder. And I think a detective investigating the SR murder was shot in the back of the head twice on a beach in Broward County. His death was ruled a suicide.
I looked up Arkansas and DWS and the only hit I can find is ADWS -- Arkansas Division of Workforce Services.
The current director is Clarissa Childers, who held the position since 2019. I tried to find info on who she succeeded but couldn't find anything on that.
She is an Arkansan and have worked with children prior to filling in the role of the director.
She may not be the one we should be looking at as we may need to look at who preceded her.
DWS set up the murder-Arkancide-- of Rich?????
It's Debbie! Pplz on here have had more info on that piece of the keystone :D i fixed in an updated version
There's a reason why it's just arkansas XD but it's right in this one. In the tarmac one it's definitely debbie
hang on. you might be right. i left a few lines blank, too
We appreciate your time and effort!
Came here to ask the same question.
Also wasn't "Insurance" the one that Strzok and Page had?