This is why going after officials surety bonds is so brilliant. It completely bypasses the corrupt legal system and goes right for the pocket books. One woman trying to just get a waiver for her son not to wear a mask brought an entire school district down, including getting rid of the super. These bonds may be the mechanism to finally make these politicians and unelected officials accountable and even remove them without having to use the courts that are rigged against us.
Some federal judges won't hear any testimony on police corruption. Boise has huge problem amd itsngetting covered up.
This is why going after officials surety bonds is so brilliant. It completely bypasses the corrupt legal system and goes right for the pocket books. One woman trying to just get a waiver for her son not to wear a mask brought an entire school district down, including getting rid of the super. These bonds may be the mechanism to finally make these politicians and unelected officials accountable and even remove them without having to use the courts that are rigged against us.
Then residents should go after every bond they can.