Social media caters to the lowest common denominator and that LCD among humans is a cesspool of degeneracy and stupidity and self-loathing. This is something I quickly became aware of in the days when we only had chat rooms and ICQ and the games we played ran on DOS. It is why I have never had a myspace, or facebook or twitter account; why I have never been on instagram or snapchat. It took this crises of tyranny to get me to watch a podcast or youtube or bitchute or rumble. Even then I have never made an account for these platforms and doubt I ever will. Once this crises is over I will again completely ignore the lunacy found in these places.
Social media caters to the lowest common denominator and that LCD among humans is a cesspool of degeneracy and stupidity and self-loathing. This is something I quickly became aware of in the days when we only had chat rooms and ICQ and the games we played ran on DOS. It is why I have never had a myspace, or facebook or twitter account; why I have never been on instagram or snapchat. It took this crises of tyranny to get me to watch a podcast or youtube or bitchute or rumble. Even then I have never made an account for these platforms and doubt I ever will. Once this crises is over I will again completely ignore the lunacy found in these places.