Don't off yourself. It means you'll have a do-over to learn the same lesson, but even harder and after a long time. Movement is life- exercise, even plain walking, does wonders to improve mental outlook. If you recognize an addiction it means you are halfway to un-addicting yourself. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a real accomplishment; lots of people never realize it. Also begin talking to God and inviting Him into your life. Lots of other good stuff from other commenters, I'd go for the "volunteer on a farm" because ... using muscles is good, healthy food is good, and nature is marvelous. But other things are also good to stay active, even if it's just doordash. Some call it grunt work, whenever it got bad my son told me it was "delivering happiness."
Don't off yourself. It means you'll have a do-over to learn the same lesson, but even harder and after a long time. Movement is life- exercise, even plain walking, does wonders to improve mental outlook. If you recognize an addiction it means you are halfway to un-addicting yourself. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a real accomplishment; lots of people never realize it. Also begin talking to God and inviting Him into your life. Lots of other good stuff from other commenters, I'd go for the "volunteer on a farm" because ... using muscles is good, healthy food is good, and nature is marvelous. But other things are also good to stay active, even if it's just doordash. Some call it grunt work, whenever it got bad my son told me it was "delivering happiness."