We all know this stuff, but this is a well written article for red pilling friends and family about how the shots cause clotting. And how the clots can go unnoticed for a long time before causing serious health issues. https://noqreport.com/2022/02/07/micro-blood-clots/
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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There has never been any gain of function research.
There are no bioweapon labs anywhere in the world.
If #1 and #2 are false statements, then your statement is also false, PepesCovfefe.
Gain of function MSM narrative is psyops to dissuade people from researching the truth about virus nonsense by redirecting them towards virus hysteria by providing them an “alternative” option they want to believe.
#2 is accomplished by wavelength manipulation, not fake invisible contagious particles; of course, toxins obviously do exist as well and we know have been used as weapons like agent orange.
Read this: https://u1lib.org/book/17573423/2c377f