546 Cash Patel asks president Trump "what would you do if you were back in?" in a great interview. Regarding Durham, the first indictments "felt like a foundation of very big things to come. I hear there's a lot coming." This interview is worth a listen. (rumble.com) N C S W I C posted 3 years ago by Factfiler 3 years ago by Factfiler +546 / -0 103 comments share 103 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It's okay, keep making accounts on websites where you think we're losing.
Just shows us we're not. Be scared, be VERY scared.
I've never seen so many deleted comments on a .win post. It looks like a Reddit thread gone wrong (in the wrong political direction, lol).
If nothing is coming, why are you here?
Scared of nothing per usual, damn liberals.