He may be unafraid to announce he is gay, but he is a truther and has gone into the trenches to show us what is really happening on the ground. Because of this and even though he is a 'racial minority/person of color' and an LGBTQ, he is still a conservative journalist that reports the truth. He has been attacked multiple times and suffered a brain bleed because of it. His family's home has been visited late at night by creeps wearing 'Scream' masks who threatened to burn the house down. Yet, he still is out there trying to show us the truth.
Sure, I am well aware of what he has done but I really don't give a flying f*** about anybody's sexuality and the fact that gay people have to announce it is f****** retarded and needs to end.
I see Ngo's rainbow flag and I don't read a damn word he says.
He may be unafraid to announce he is gay, but he is a truther and has gone into the trenches to show us what is really happening on the ground. Because of this and even though he is a 'racial minority/person of color' and an LGBTQ, he is still a conservative journalist that reports the truth. He has been attacked multiple times and suffered a brain bleed because of it. His family's home has been visited late at night by creeps wearing 'Scream' masks who threatened to burn the house down. Yet, he still is out there trying to show us the truth.
Sure, I am well aware of what he has done but I really don't give a flying f*** about anybody's sexuality and the fact that gay people have to announce it is f****** retarded and needs to end.
oh hey look, some flyers from the "muh joo" crowd over at PW
Are any of the facts on the flyer incorrect?
I found the actual flyer. Folks better educated than myself can speak to its accuracy or inaccuracy. https://www.goyimtv.tv/i/3008244015/photo-2021-09-04-16-44-28