This story is WITHDRAWN. Sadly, I must report that there are now severe credibility issues with the information sources who provided this story, and it now appears that I may have been the target of a deliberate government disinformation campaign to discredit me, my radio show, and this web site. I trusted . . . I got burned. Badly.
Word out now is that I have been stepping on too many toes, too often, and my coverage of the Ukraine situation has interfered with certain people's plans to such a degree, that someone decided I needed to be taken down through public discredit. Neutralized through destruction of my credibility.
I have now received credible evidence that the information given to me and used in the story previously appearing here, included images FALSELY REPRESENTED TO ME as being those of Smallpox victims in Yemen, was not accurate.
Having had a 15+ years-long relationship with the source involved in writing the story, I trusted the source - who is still in the employ of a government entity. I had no reason not to trust.
Now, the trust I had in the Intel source is destroyed and I am made to look like a fool before the eyes of the world.
This is the first time such a thing has happened and I regret more than I can relate, that I must withdraw the story. But when I get duped, I have to own-up to it and I am.
The story is withdrawn. I apologize for APPARENTLY being duped.
Now, if I was CNN or one of those types, I would have left the story up and maybe issued a minor retraction days, weeks, or even months later. I'm not them.
This story was up for about 19 hours. It was read by about 38,000 of my readers. I put a stop to it before it went viral. And instead of issuing some small retraction somewhere else, I put it IN PLACE OF the original story - so anyone who shared a link, whoever got the link will see this withdrawal.
The Arabic Language Newspaper in Yemen, also shown in this story, is still reporting a Smallpox Outbreak there, as evidenced by the screen shot below.
Al Sahwa (meaning The Awakening in English) is an Arabic language weekly newspaper published in Sana'a, Yemen. Here is a screenshot from Al-Sahwah:
This is a direct LINK to that newspaper web site; it is about the eighth news item down the page.
From the article:
This story is WITHDRAWN. Sadly, I must report that there are now severe credibility issues with the information sources who provided this story, and it now appears that I may have been the target of a deliberate government disinformation campaign to discredit me, my radio show, and this web site. I trusted . . . I got burned. Badly.
Word out now is that I have been stepping on too many toes, too often, and my coverage of the Ukraine situation has interfered with certain people's plans to such a degree, that someone decided I needed to be taken down through public discredit. Neutralized through destruction of my credibility.
I have now received credible evidence that the information given to me and used in the story previously appearing here, included images FALSELY REPRESENTED TO ME as being those of Smallpox victims in Yemen, was not accurate.
Having had a 15+ years-long relationship with the source involved in writing the story, I trusted the source - who is still in the employ of a government entity. I had no reason not to trust.
Now, the trust I had in the Intel source is destroyed and I am made to look like a fool before the eyes of the world.
This is the first time such a thing has happened and I regret more than I can relate, that I must withdraw the story. But when I get duped, I have to own-up to it and I am.
The story is withdrawn. I apologize for APPARENTLY being duped.
Now, if I was CNN or one of those types, I would have left the story up and maybe issued a minor retraction days, weeks, or even months later. I'm not them.
This story was up for about 19 hours. It was read by about 38,000 of my readers. I put a stop to it before it went viral. And instead of issuing some small retraction somewhere else, I put it IN PLACE OF the original story - so anyone who shared a link, whoever got the link will see this withdrawal.
The Arabic Language Newspaper in Yemen, also shown in this story, is still reporting a Smallpox Outbreak there, as evidenced by the screen shot below.
Al Sahwa (meaning The Awakening in English) is an Arabic language weekly newspaper published in Sana'a, Yemen. Here is a screenshot from Al-Sahwah:
This is a direct LINK to that newspaper web site; it is about the eighth news item down the page.