They stand for nothing but their own gains. They train for years and we look up to them like they're some sort of super hero but when it comes time to actually be a hero, they fold like paper.
Imagine going to a country that has genocide camps, social credit scores for the populace and best of all A COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT just so you can compete with a bunch of other faggots for a metal.
Now they're complaining about the food and treatment they are getting from the CCP.
What a bunch of clowns.
The athletes are mostly very young. They spend their lives training for their sport. They don't choose which country will host the Olympics, and while many have probably been too absorbed in their sport to even understand what communism is, NOW they are getting a chance to be up close and personal with it. What a grand way (white hat plan?) for a group of people from around the world, mostly young people, to see firsthand the results of communism. Don't think they're going to go home and tell everybody they know (including probably doing some press appearances) about their experiences? Don't think this is going to open their eyes and make them aware of things they had ZERO knowledge of before? Think of that young woman who has been in isolation and crying on video. She's from Belgian. That's the freaking capital of the EUROPEAN UNION!! Like so many things in life, what appears to be a negative can turn out to be quite positive in the end.
Chinese defector chicks were offered a lucrative lifestyle, I'd assume.
Two-time Tripsy didnt hold up her end of the destined to ridicule and poverty.
Guldie McSki won gold and will live like a queen
All this. Plus who devotes themselves totally to something. Something mostly aimed towards one event. An event that to their young eyes is likely the most important one they will ever take part in. And then shrugs their shoulders and walks away from it?
And a short window to do it.