It hit me tonight here in Houston after speaking to a staggering amount of normies over the past few days.
Houston has a Major Medical Center that includes $3Bil+ Hospitals like MD Anderson and more. The people I was speaking to, very surprisingly, had been briefed over the prospect of having administered HIV within the Pfizer, Moderna jabz. Supposedly more information that was worse relating to the Johnson & Johnson jabs.
I was pointed to this Johnson & Johnson study by a Medical Assistant at Baylor College of Medicine - she told me "Look at and realize this study was released by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation & it's total Gaslighting PR meant to encourage Medical Professionals into identifying themselves for further scrutiny."
Seriously no less than 15 conversations over the days since this past Wednesday when this HIV link to VAIDS started circulating around research circles.
These folks - I overheard many of them speaking at tables next to me as I worked and did my red-pill-on-approach stuff. I do this all the time. it's how I roll.
Anyway I come in today for a few hours and it is ABSOLUTE BATSHIT PANIC.
The Moderna CEO has supposedly been arrested or something & there are Internal E-Mails at some Major Hospitals that are legit begging people to come in and seek help. Word is a lot of suicides.
This is insane. These Medical Folks thrive on basically being completely fucking detached from society as a whole and now they can't shut up. They are panicking and DEMANDING that I tell them everything I know. When I spell everything out to them they are having legit Panic Attacks. I can see in their eyes that what I am saying freaks them out cuz I am not a professional and have made connections they failed to - and now they are having to reconcile some serious shit.
Anyway - Lady I talked to earlier had to bail because the person she was doing a peer review with had tried to kill herself with "something in the clinic."
This .... seems epic.
When Chinavirus first broke out I read that the virus was probably man made and had several different types of receptors from other viruses including HIV grafted onto it.
I suppose COVID itself could cause a false positive HIV test. I don't know if the Vax has any HIV type sequences in it.
Spike proteins can affect the way B and T cells interact, which would affect your immune system, but I think that is only while the proteins are made. I don't think the proteins are made much more than a few months after the jab.
Dr McCullough said the likelyhood of dying from the jab is in the first 1-2 months.
I can't see how the vax could cause full blown HIV.. But what do I know?
There is a video floating around a couple days ago where one of the big pharma guy said they added actual HIV directly to the spike protein in the vax.
It was a 30 second video from the BBC, the scientist was named Robert Chappell, I think, and then it cut to a graphic stating in plain English that they attached a tiny piece of HIV protein to the spike that causes the immune response. The HIV protein is PG41 and they stopped the testing when recipients received false positive HIV test. They claim it will not give you HIV, I say bullshit. Who in their right mind would allow some quack to inject "a tiny piece of HIV protein" or anything HIV into their body?
Sorry, his name is Keith Chappell and it was a BBC documentary, titled Horizon: The Vaccine, which aired in June 2021.
See how they parse their words? Adamant that no HIV virus in the vaccine, just HIV protein, glycoprotein 41.
Here's the video
tanks, saucemaster! <3