What if Moderna collaborated with AstraZeneca to create another mRNA therapeutic to promote recovery of cardiac function caused by the Covid-19 vaccines? They're really asking that.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

True, but in public they said something along the lines of, "We uploaded the (SARS - COV - 2 insilco sequence) virus to our computers and within two hours had the vaccine"
Yeah because that seems totally legit, these people are superhumans, literally!
No kidding. Moderna had the Covid vaxxine developed in mid Jan of 2020, a couple of days after the sequence had been put into the genetic data base by the Chinese and made available to the public. The download did not contain the entire "viral" sequencing - just the gain of function weaponized portions. The rest was computer generated in silico from existing sequences in the data base. The vaxxine was then developed over a weekend based upon those weaponized gain of function sequences. It was completed before China had even acknowledged that the disease could be transmitted from human to human, more than a week before the first confirmed coronavirus case in the United States. By the time the first American death was announced a month later, the vaxxine had already been manufactured and shipped to the National Institutes of Health for the beginning of its Phase I clinical trial. This was the fastest timeline of development in the history of vaxxines and a full three months prior to Warp Speed. No vaxxine can be developed this quickly, be manufactured, and be ready for trial in that short amount of time - when pigs fly. In addition, they want us to believe that this SARS "virus" developed organically from bats with 3 HIV1 inserts at its binding sites on the S1 subunit and also containing a furin cleavage site that doesn’t exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent. Yup, sounds like superhumans to me too. Not.
I think from memory it was the 10th Jan 2020 the Chinese uploaded the 30k base pair genome sequence to the CRM database (allegedly Pelosi was in China on the 11th/12th Jan) and on the 15th Jan 2020 it was reported (not saying it was true) the first person carrying the virus entered the USA via Tacoma airport in Seattle.
And yes it was the unique Furin cleavage site that as you say isn't found in nature that first tipped off real researchers this never came from a bat!
Boy do them pharma pedes work quick, lol. "Hey Barry, we got some deadly for cereals totally natural bat virus going around"
..................2 hours later, "All sorted Steve, we can save the world"!
You have a good memory there fren. Here is some nice work that ties a few of those genetic sequence puzzle pieces together. The end of the article holds the key that links that furin cleavage site to Moderna - a smoking gun for sure. I knew Moderna was tied into all this mess in a big way back in 2020 - I just didn't have the proof till now.
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19 Using BLAST is easy. I'm going to show you how easy and how to prove that SARS-Cov-2 is man-made
Also for your reading pleasure to show that they already knew what was coming back in 2019.
Wuhan Lab Partner Dr. Ralph Baric Reviewed Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019 – After Scheming in 2018 on How to Make Money from Pandemic
Thanks fren I will have a look through them. I did see the article about BLAST and how to use it a short while ago, will take a decent look thanks.