god bless the Truckers. I donated to them on gofuckme and when that got killed I donated more on givesendgo and dont care about my name being on the hacked list. Hell I used my real name when I donated, I didnt try to do anonymous. I have been to the local rallys, I brag about donating. I have told people at work I donated. Come after me lefties. I dont give a shit. The truckers are heros. Its not like I donated to a leftie terrorist org like BLM or pantyfa.
god bless the Truckers. I donated to them on gofuckme and when that got killed I donated more on givesendgo and dont care about my name being on the hacked list. Hell I used my real name when I donated, I didnt try to do anonymous. I have been to the local rallys, I brag about donating. I have told people at work I donated. Come after me lefties. I dont give a shit. The truckers are heros. Its not like I donated to a leftie terrorist org like BLM or pantyfa.
Damn right. Already enemy number 1. This is the hill I die on.
bouncy castles, singing, picking up trash and feeding the homeless. How dare those terrorists. /s