DOD Law of War Manual:
I have had several posts where I talked about the DOD Law of War manual. I provided the links here if you want to go back and read them again.
Post #1:
Post #2:
Post #3:
In my last post I said that a couple thresholds that may have to be crossed, one being Biden's disproval rating, the other being the one-year rule from the Geneva Convention.
If we look at chapter 11.3.1 it says " belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory"
11.3.1 also says, "Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control. For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory."
We can conclude if Biden's approval rating falls to near zero he has NOT effectively placed the occupied territory under his control. See why the polls are important?
I have seen some polls that have Biden's disapproval rating as high as 80%. Also, we do see uprisings springing up, at our borders with Canada and I hear a convoy of trucks is also headed for Washington DC. We have also recently seen antivax protests in DC with thousands marching against the mandates. NCSWIC.
In my last post I said I would follow up with an explanation as to why Biden is considered a domestic terrorist based on definitions given by the Law of War. The term "Domestic terrorist" may be incorrect. I should have said the Biden Admin is guilty of "War Crimes" even though in my personal opinion, he is still a terrorist. Acts Constituting Grave Breaches.
• willful killing.
• torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments; and
• willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health. War Crimes – Any Violation of the Law of War
In some cases, the term “war crime” has been used as a technical expression for a violation of the law of war by any person; i.e., under this usage, any violation of the law of war is a war crime. This has been longstanding U.S. military doctrine.
To this day Biden Admin is still pushing the vaccines, they are pushing them on children. It is a well-known, documented fact that the vaccines are killing people. To continue pushing the vaccines during this belligerent occupation, even after clear evidence indicates the vaccines are causing great suffering, it is considered a war crime.
Here is a perfect example of that evidence:
Biden and Gen. Lloyd J. Austin has access to this database, they know the truth.
Q used the term "Knowingly" 39 times. Biden admin is "Knowingly" causing "great suffering or serious injury to body or health" and is guilty of "willful killing".
Here we see the head of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros trying to separate himself from the war crimes being committed. (Sorry, it won't work, your day is coming)
Tedros and others will be prosecuted via: Title 18 Federal Crimes Punishing Conduct Outside the United States.
Certain Federal statutes specify that they apply to conduct outside the United States and could be used to prosecute conduct that, in some circumstances, would constitute a violation of the law of war. These statutes may specify in detail the circumstances in which they authorize prosecution, which may vary from statute to statute.
• torture;
• genocide;
• murder or manslaughter of foreign officials, official guests, or internationally protected persons;
Lets get back to Biden's crimes.
18.9.4 CCW Amended Mines Protocol
Penal sanctions under Article 14 of the CCW Amended Mines Protocol only apply in a situation in which an individual: (1) knew, or should have known, that his or her action was prohibited under the CCW Amended Mines Protocol; (2) intended to kill or cause serious injury to a civilian; and (3) knew, or should have known, that the person he or she intended to kill or cause serious injury was a civilian. (yes this section is about land mines but the definition also says other devices, willful killing of civilians using any method should apply)
U.S. Federal law authorizes prosecutions for such conduct.
Us Penal code: 18 U.S.C. § 2441 (“(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.
Yes, that is right, death penalty and we see the term "Death penalty" being thrown around a lot recently.
In the event of violation of the law of war, it may be possible for the injured State to resort to remedial action of the following types:
• publication of the facts, with a view to influencing public opinion against the offending belligerent;
• protests and demands to the offending party, including demands for compensation or the punishment of enemy persons who have violated the law;
• solicitation of the good offices, mediation, or intervention of neutral States for the purpose of making the enemy observe the law of war;
• petition to the U.N. Security Council;
• punishment of captured offenders as war criminals, either through national or international tribunals;
• retorsion; and
• reprisals
So 18:10 explains our way out of this mess. Focus on "publication of the facts, with a view to influencing public opinion against the offending belligerent", "protests and demands to the offending party" and "punishment of captured offenders as war criminals, either through national or international tribunals"
We see the publication of facts happening now, we see protests and demands and last but not least, National tribunals = Military tribunals. It goes without saying, we cannot count on the UN Security Council, they are most likely a guilty party.
Biden is a war criminal by definition, every person that participated in this vaccine based genocide will be held to account. The Federal justice system will prosecute civilians, Military tribunals will prosecute our elected officials and agency heads.
A State that is responsible for an internationally wrongful act is under an obligation to make full reparation for the injury caused by that act. This principle also applies to the law of war in that a State that violates the law of war shall, if the case demands, be liable to pay compensation.
18.16.3 Payment or Other Compensation Ex Gratia
In some cases, States may provide money or other compensation to other States where not legally required (or without an admission of legal liability or fault). For example, although indemnification is not required for injuries or damage incidental to the lawful use of armed force, compensation may be provided as a humanitarian gesture. Similarly, a State may institute mechanisms to make payments to foreign persons who have suffered loss from combat operations, even when no violation of law of war has occurred.
*** Think NESARA and GESARA ****
Every last dime will be taken from the elite and given back to the people. All debt will be eliminated, we all will be compensated for the hell they put us through.
Worldwide genocide through a series of booster shots was the plan of the elite circles. President Trump and Q devised a plan to limit the harm to humanity and afterwards a system of compensation that will drain the bank accounts of every evil bastard on the planet.
I wanted to touch on the one-year rule once again. I saw some comments and there are some who are not looking at the broader picture and having difficulty seeing how this rule applied. Even though the one-year rule appears inconsequential in the full scheme of things, it is not. Let me explain.
In some cases, the U.N. Security Council has determined that situations involving violations of the law of war constitute a threat to international peace and security. The U.N. Security Council may take a variety of actions to respond to such threats.
18.12.3 Authorizing the Use of Force
The U.N. Security Council has authorized the use of force in order to protect civilians who are being attacked in violation of the law of war.
Geneva Convention articles:
Page 153, Article 6: In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year after the general close of military operations; however, the Occupying Power shall be bound, for the duration of the occupation.
Paraphrasing Article 6, GC application applies to both sides of a conflict however GC application ceases for the occupied territory and the occupying power is still bound.
I know 18.2.3 says, " U.N. Security Council has authorized the use of force in order to protect civilians" however they would violate this section and use force for ANY violation of the GC rule and Law of War if that violation applied to the white hat team. The Biden admin can violate the GC rules all they want, the UN will do nothing. Biden and the UN are on the same team (globalist). These people are very desperate at this point.
First you must understand, the United Nation is a coconspirator in the Covid pandemic scheme. The UN and WHO was pushing these vaccines on the entire planet. World Economic Forum Klause Schwab wrote a book "Covid-19 The Great Reset". The UN groups (along with Biden) are guilty of GENOCIDE.
Given that the GC sets down the one-year rule, the Law of War REPEATS this rule and section 18:12.3 authorizes use of UN Force for violation of the law of war, you would be naive to think the UN would not intervein using NATO forces to stop the only entity capable of prosecuting their asses for crimes against humanity. Given that the United States is the world's #1 superpower and only the United States has enough leverage pursue and punish these people, its stands to reason that the UN WOULD use international forces to stop their own demise. If the white hats violated the Law of War by violating the one-year rule, it would have got really messy.
By adhering to the one-year rule we refrained from giving the UN any reason to step foot on our soil. It could be said that the one-year law was moot given that say perhaps Durham needed more time to finish his investigation or the one year waiting period gave us the ability to flush out more black hat operatives, I would agree with that. However, given that the one-year deadline just expired 3 weeks ago and we now see an avalanche of evidence coming out, it lends credibility to my argument.
Stay safe my anon frens!!!
Did u really just say you got the omicron variant? You are kidding correct?
Well I can't say for sure what I had, I never got tested. Whatever it was matched the symptoms for Omicron, headache, fever, chills, muscle aches, runny nose. I took my horse paste for a few days but the symptoms lingered for 10 days or so. Still feel dizzy at times, energy drained, I think I have some fluid buildup in my inner ears. I hear some crackling sound in my ear every now and then.
Im pretty sure I had covid when the outbreak started two years ago. I haven't been sick since then. So natrual immunity lasts for about 2 years. I'm a Respiratory therapist and take care of covid patient on a daily basis. If you are trying to say covid isn't real you are mistaken. Its a real thing. The fear they built around it, that is the big lie.
Their is no test that actually proves covid-19 exists. The patients you have seen probably had influenza A or influenza B or this years flu strain. Please if you can prove me wrong I will gladly apologize
The symptoms you described sound exactly as the ones I provided above, no?
Thats a hard yet easy question to answer. I know what is going on in the clinical setting, I know very little about the lab setting.
I cannot say for sure what the hospitals are doing behind the scenes, I don't work in the labs, there could be some maleficence going on for sure. To answer your question, has Flu A and Flu B been misdiagnosed to increase revenue, yes. Does it happen all the time, no. I think it depends on how greedy the hospital system is or if they have a political agenda.
Where I work, I think we get accurate lab results based on the way our patients respond to treatment. A viral panel and PCR test is sent on any patient having respiratory symptoms. The viral panel includes Flu A, Flu B, Rhinovirus, influenza and RSV. The covid patients viral panel most of the time come back negative. The PCR test will come back positive.
I know if you run the PCR through too many cycles it will always produce a false positive test result. I know there is a possibility the lab workers have been instructed to falsify the lab data because a covid diagnosis brings in more revenue.
That being said though, all of our Flu A and Flu B patients usually make a full recovery in a few days and get discharged, while many of the covid patients do not respond to therapeutic intervention. You may have heard that it is not advised to intubate covid patients, that is because they do not respond to positive pressure being applied to the lungs, however Flu A and Flu B patients do.
Flu A and Flu B oxygenation impairment is caused by secretions in the lungs, Covid oxygenation impairment is caused by perfusion issues (blood clots in the lungs).
Your lungs have a balance of ventilation and perfusion. Air moving in and out of the lungs and blood picking up the oxygen and carrying it to your body. When one is altered you get a V/Q mismatch. V being ventilation and Q being perfusion.
Covid patients always have a perfusion issue, so the amount of oxygen or pressure applied to the lungs does very little to improve things. The covid virus causes micro emboli that plugs up the lungs. There is something about the covid virus that causes the red blood cells to clump together causing micro emboli.
Just like the vaccinated people who have the giant blood clots, its the same thing, just on a less severe scale. The vaccine and the virus itself has and /or produces the spike proteins. I think those proteins inhibit the hemoglobin oxygen carrying ability and as a result the hemoglobin stick together instead of repelling each other. It changes the + and - charges on the red blood cells.
We learned a while back that giving blood thinners will provide better therapeutic effects if given early than the typical antiviral treatments.
So the reason you thought all the covid patients were just Flu A and B is because in the beginning the FDA instructed labs to run the PCR tests at higher test cycles. (Remember, they were trying to scare the people) All the covid patients and Flu A and B were getting placed in the same basket so to speak. If the hospitals wanted to increase revenue, they would not send a viral panel and always come back with a false positive PCR test. Extra $18,000 for each diagnosis. This pandemic was incentivized by our government and propagated by the media.
I often wondered if the incentives were part of a investigation to see which hospitals would do the right thing and which would take the bait. It looks like most if not all failed, its called greed.
Wow, very good stuff. I wanted to ask you something. My parents, both double shotted, and I had them do D-Dimers test a few months ago. Recently I mum was having routine checkup and told the doctor that she has numb hands during the nights once in while and recently her tongue felt numb for a few seconds in the middle of the night.
She told this stuff just as a matter of fact, but the doctor sent her to a neurologist who did some tests and said he doesn't know whats the problem, but gave her 5 different medicine to take each day. They were all pretty hard core medicine so I asked her to get a second opinion.
The second neurologist told her that she should just be safe and do a MRI, EER and a Doppler test. All of them seem to be non-invasive, so I told her to go ahead.
But the Doppler test is supposed to test for blood clots I believe. Got me thinking. The whole progression seems to be bizzare.
Is it possible that they are doing all this because they expect vaccinated people to develop all kinds of issues? Perhaps they have been told to do a wide array of tests just in case?