I live by the faith that no one is born evil. We, everyone, were all once kids ; innocent, pure and free of so many things. Someone has to endure evil to become it.
Indeed. I guess the way I actually see this involves a few things.
One is that the sad reality of our human condition is that, since the time of Adam and Eve (whenever or whatever, that time was) human beings inherited fallen nature. Fallen nature is also fallen angelic nature, inherited by Eve and then Adam through their relationship with the Angel Lucifer.
Two is that every human is originally created by God. So we have God's nature within us. That cannot be removed.
So we have our original nature, which is Godly, which is good, and which is our true nature and character. And we have fallen nature, which is a distortion, an unnatural twisting of our original nature.
God, and Christ, relate to our original nature, while the devil relates to our fallen nature. Each seeks to exert their influence - Christ through love, forgiveness, compassion, truth, unselfishness, and the devil via lies, hate (including self-hate), distorted self-centeredness, etc.
I try to look for that original spark in people. When I see someone acting in an evil way, I try to look "into" that person to try and see, what they were like before they became evil, distorted, and what they WOULD be like, if that distortion were removed, and their original potential developed, grown, matured.
It's much easier to love people when you see in them what they MIGHT have been, and what they were, and also the terrible damage their choices have made on them.
From this vantage point, there is no joy, relish or satisfaction in hating Hillary or even in wishing for her demise. There is no doubt that she must be held accountable, both in our realm, and also she WILL inevitably be held accountable in that realm, too. BUT from that vantage point, one doesn't hate her. Rather, one mourns the corruption and destruction of one more of God's children.
It's at that point that love wrestles with the anger, with the outrage, with the despite towards such evil, but it's only when love wins that things can go their correct course, and the path of the least damage and the maximum benefit emerges, for all.
From a metaphysical or spiritual perspective, because we inherit this fallen nature through our lineage, in a sense, we are all born evil. But in truth, when we are born, we are born both good and evil, and the good part is predominant. Children are very pure.
However, at some point, God's work needs to happen such that this fallen nature is removed from our lineages. Completely. So that it ISN'T passed on from generation to generation. When it is passed on, each generation has to fight again to resist the evil, to maximize and grow our good nature. If the fallen nature - the root of it - is removed from our lineages, then it will not be passed on, and children will be able to grow their original nature naturally, without being under attack.
My understanding is that this is in fact the purpose of the Second Coming. The first coming opened the door to spiritual salvation, and spiritual rebirth into CHrist's lineage, out of the satanic lineage.
The Second Coming has to take place so that Christ can open the door to physical salvation, where our bodies are NOT subject to Satan's claim, and where the fallen nature is rooted out of our flesh, as well.
Note:" physical salvation does not mean the physical form becomes eternal. Rather, it means that the physical form can fulfill its original role free from Satanic claim. The original role of our body is to provide the soil in which our spirits grow, by being the vehicle by which we are present in the world, and can doo good, love others, and grow our capacity to love in all relationships.
With apologies for the lengthy ramble. Sorry! Favorite topic!
Indeed. I guess the way I actually see this involves a few things.
One is that the sad reality of our human condition is that, since the time of Adam and Eve (whenever or whatever, that time was) human beings inherited fallen nature. Fallen nature is also fallen angelic nature, inherited by Eve and then Adam through their relationship with the Angel Lucifer.
Two is that every human is originally created by God. So we have God's nature within us. That cannot be removed.
So we have our original nature, which is Godly, which is good, and which is our true nature and character. And we have fallen nature, which is a distortion, an unnatural twisting of our original nature.
God, and Christ, relate to our original nature, while the devil relates to our fallen nature. Each seeks to exert their influence - Christ through love, forgiveness, compassion, truth, unselfishness, and the devil via lies, hate (including self-hate), distorted self-centeredness, etc.
I try to look for that original spark in people. When I see someone acting in an evil way, I try to look "into" that person to try and see, what they were like before they became evil, distorted, and what they WOULD be like, if that distortion were removed, and their original potential developed, grown, matured.
It's much easier to love people when you see in them what they MIGHT have been, and what they were, and also the terrible damage their choices have made on them.
From this vantage point, there is no joy, relish or satisfaction in hating Hillary or even in wishing for her demise. There is no doubt that she must be held accountable, both in our realm, and also she WILL inevitably be held accountable in that realm, too. BUT from that vantage point, one doesn't hate her. Rather, one mourns the corruption and destruction of one more of God's children.
It's at that point that love wrestles with the anger, with the outrage, with the despite towards such evil, but it's only when love wins that things can go their correct course, and the path of the least damage and the maximum benefit emerges, for all.
From a metaphysical or spiritual perspective, because we inherit this fallen nature through our lineage, in a sense, we are all born evil. But in truth, when we are born, we are born both good and evil, and the good part is predominant. Children are very pure.
However, at some point, God's work needs to happen such that this fallen nature is removed from our lineages. Completely. So that it ISN'T passed on from generation to generation. When it is passed on, each generation has to fight again to resist the evil, to maximize and grow our good nature. If the fallen nature - the root of it - is removed from our lineages, then it will not be passed on, and children will be able to grow their original nature naturally, without being under attack.
My understanding is that this is in fact the purpose of the Second Coming. The first coming opened the door to spiritual salvation, and spiritual rebirth into CHrist's lineage, out of the satanic lineage.
The Second Coming has to take place so that Christ can open the door to physical salvation, where our bodies are NOT subject to Satan's claim, and where the fallen nature is rooted out of our flesh, as well.
Note:" physical salvation does not mean the physical form becomes eternal. Rather, it means that the physical form can fulfill its original role free from Satanic claim. The original role of our body is to provide the soil in which our spirits grow, by being the vehicle by which we are present in the world, and can doo good, love others, and grow our capacity to love in all relationships.
With apologies for the lengthy ramble. Sorry! Favorite topic!