Yes. So the real scandal here is that only 10% of samples are actually sequenced and could be verified as whatever. It's expensive and they do this as a statistical sample and extrapolate the results. This is what policy is made on, 10% of a faulty test. And that's presuming all 10% sequenced samples were, in fact, producing true results AND that all the results were Covid. What if 50% of the 10% were flu? Are they going to report it?
Yes. So the real scandal here is that only 10% of samples are actually sequenced and could be verified as whatever. It's expensive and they do this as a statistical sample and extrapolate the results. This is what policy is made on, 10% of a faulty test. And that's presuming all 10% sequenced samples were, in fact, producing true results AND that all the results were Covid. What if 50% of the 10% were flu? Are they going to report it?
That’s statistical modeling for you.
Yes, but now they call it "in silico" to sound classier.
I'll have the buzzword side salad please.
With ranch.