This is too true, in the final measure, I think we will find out the truth. Until we get there, let's all hold our cards (guesses of who's WH and who's BH) close, and realize many of us will be wrong, some of us may be right. This ain't like the covid "vaccine" in which we all agree, it's bad. There are some "good actors" who are bad, and some "bad actors" who are good. God will reveal who's who in the zoo.
What!? Someone is lying? May it never be fren!
This is too true, in the final measure, I think we will find out the truth. Until we get there, let's all hold our cards (guesses of who's WH and who's BH) close, and realize many of us will be wrong, some of us may be right. This ain't like the covid "vaccine" in which we all agree, it's bad. There are some "good actors" who are bad, and some "bad actors" who are good. God will reveal who's who in the zoo.