I'm keeping Tulsi in the category of very possibly changed and red pilled. she's made some patriotic comments and shown support to certain patriots. most have the potential to change. and the hand gesture I believe she still does and it's very common among hawaiians and surfers
Alternative theory. Maybe she was an intelligence tool designed to infiltrate and extract information? If I remember right, Q and others mentioned M.I. had infiltrated Antifa to help bust up their plans.
Not sold on Tulsi, but anything is on the table at this point.
Both of you guys’ usernames jive very well with this comment thread. I also not sold on her but also hold out possibility she could have been a white hat deep sleeper. <Insert your user name here. >
I have a category of people that I call Useful Broken Clocks and Tulsi is one of them. I don't agree with her politics, I find some of her activities suspect, but she'll make good points that I agree with and that people who support her need to see to (hopefully) get their noggins jogging. Plus, I've redpilled a few people by pointing out that not only did Tulsi bring up Heels Up's racist record in law enforcement during the DNC debate, she was deplatformed by Big Tech for doing so.
She is trying to survive. Even If she changed it doesn't give her a seat at the leadership table. If she truly turned she shouldn't even ask for that as she was to stupid to stay out of the soros snare.
If she loves freedom she should simy Go away. I'll never trust her and neither should any of us.
I'm keeping Tulsi in the category of very possibly changed and red pilled. she's made some patriotic comments and shown support to certain patriots. most have the potential to change. and the hand gesture I believe she still does and it's very common among hawaiians and surfers
...interesting and concerning all the same that she was (and maybe still is) an antifa sympathizer, supporter and/or member
Alternative theory. Maybe she was an intelligence tool designed to infiltrate and extract information? If I remember right, Q and others mentioned M.I. had infiltrated Antifa to help bust up their plans.
Not sold on Tulsi, but anything is on the table at this point.
Both of you guys’ usernames jive very well with this comment thread. I also not sold on her but also hold out possibility she could have been a white hat deep sleeper. <Insert your user name here. >
Don't buy it. She's pulling the same act that RINO's and Conservative Inc. does: Tell conservatives what they want to hear, then backstab.
Not wrong. what’s she doing now? Is she even still involved in politics? Other than tweeting her opinions?
I have a category of people that I call Useful Broken Clocks and Tulsi is one of them. I don't agree with her politics, I find some of her activities suspect, but she'll make good points that I agree with and that people who support her need to see to (hopefully) get their noggins jogging. Plus, I've redpilled a few people by pointing out that not only did Tulsi bring up Heels Up's racist record in law enforcement during the DNC debate, she was deplatformed by Big Tech for doing so.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's so good! I'm going to start using it!
She is trying to survive. Even If she changed it doesn't give her a seat at the leadership table. If she truly turned she shouldn't even ask for that as she was to stupid to stay out of the soros snare.
If she loves freedom she should simy Go away. I'll never trust her and neither should any of us.
She's military; she is well trained on Adapt & Overcome