To begin with, a quick disclaimer: Everything provided below is my own perspective, my own learnings, and, to some degree, my own biases regarding things. That being said, I do indeed feel that as an awaken-ing being, the topics mentioned below do indeed deserve your time, your energy, your research, and above all, your deepest inquiry and contemplation. Sure, some of these topics might be of no interest to you at this time, or you'll simply disagree with them, or you'll find them too basic (or too advanced) for your liking --- and ALL of those things are perfectly fine. But at the very least, you'll now KNOW what you DON'T KNOW, and that, to me, is more than enough of a 'return on investment' for spending my time / energy in writing this post. And, with that now being cleared up, it is now indeed time to begin.
Question: What exactly IS the Great Awakening, specifically?
Answer: The Great Awakening, in its simplest terms, is humanity's return to its TRUTH. And while some may just limit it to the idea of "going down the rabbit hole of deep secret conspiracies and hidden agendas", there is, in fact, much, MUCH MORE to things than just THAT.
Allow me to illustrate this with a VERY SIMPLE example:
Think of a child. The child, is naturally carefree, innocent, joyful, and playful. It can find and express joy in the smallest of things, and, often, for no reason at all (even though adult humans think such is not even possible). The child is honest and truthful. Passionate and (more often than not) kind. The child is ever eager to express and receive love. Ever excited to learn, create, explore and grow. The child is able to laugh things off without being so very serious all the time. It is pure and glowing. And above all, the child knows no LIMITATION. (Please remember this last line, for it will be referenced later during the course of this post).
No wonder they say children are the closest things to GOD. Because, well, at an EXPERIENTIAL LEVEL they truly, literally, ARE.
Next, consider a (so-called) "adult." It's LITERALLY THAT EXACT SAME CHILD IN TRUTH, but their poor soul has been CRUSHED BEYOND BELIEF. Their carefree nature beaten out of them through endless "disciplining". Their passion for life and creativity and excellence and craftsmanship and perfection replaced by a dead-end education that teaches them to be the perfect little slaves to some anonymous elite (and their respective corporations). Their jobs being basically no different than prison enslavement camps (in return for RIDICULOUSLY unfair paycheques), but with some air conditioning and a cafeteria (if they're even fortunate enough to get one, that is).
This "adult" is now afraid of eternally speaking their own mind, and, is a slave eternale to society's expectations of it. And oh, the society themselves are slaves to some unknown master, and literally, are the very pawns that (willingly and sincerely and obediently!) run and maintain the slave manufacturing systems for their own masters!
But even THAT is not even ALL.
For not only does "the system" perpetually fuck with these "adults" OVERTLY, BUT ALSO does it do the exact same thing to THEM and their CHILDREN and the ANIMALS and literally all of the ENVIRONMENT COVERTLY as well.
Their FOOD gets (knowingly!) poisoned by these ones via chemicals of immeasurable toxicity. Their AIR gets poisoned via dedicatedly-setup chemtrails. Their very DNA gets manipulated via technologies that most of mankind has no CLUE about, yet. Their WATER gets poisoned. Hell, even their very planet's WEATHER (and other natural disasters) have basically been manufactured. And these are just the PHYSICAL aspects.
On a mental level, their very MINDS and HEARTS are poisoned by various forms of media (and other hidden technologies and elements) to keep them FOREVER angry, fearful, and above all, greatly and tremendously HATEFUL. Everything from their TVs to their Netflix subscriptions to their Social Medias assist in this cause, and I'm not even getting into the hidden radiation-tech (and negatively-intentioned parasitical/demonic beings) in here. False flags and other politically charged people, events and actions continue the process.
Last, but by no means the least, every single system upon their world from Healthcare to Politics to Education to Religion to History to Transportation to Communication to Technology and what-else-have-you has been not only ENTIRELY manipulated by these ones, but downright CORRUPTED. But most of you reading this know that fact ALREADY.
And yet, that's STILL NOT what THE GREAT AWAKENING is all about.
And with that, I'll now get to the ACTUAL point of this entire post...
The Great Awakening is about people WAKING UP to their true, RAW and EVER-INNATE POWER.
Please read that line over and over and over again until it really sinks in.
The Great Awakening is NOT merely about awakening humanity to "the rabbit hole" of lies and deceit and manipulations and conspiracies by the elite, as it is all so very often thought to be.
The Great Awakening is about HUMANITY awakening to, and taking BACK it's own, true, innate POWER and INNOCENCE BACK.
In other words, if you are of the opinion/understanding that merely knowing about "what's ACTUALLY going on out there" makes you AWAKENED, well, I'm afraid to say, that you're only PARTIALLY understanding the truest, deepest purpose of it all.
Because you're not REALLY "awake" until and unless you've realized as to how very truly POWERFUL, YOU, both PERSONALLY as well as COLLECTIVELY are.
In laymen's terms, a truly AWAKE humanity would represent a populace that is CHILD-LIKE at its very CORE, and yet, MATURE and WISE to the T. It represents kind, passionate, loving, innocent, pure, joyful, wise, mature, balanced, accepting, harmonious, innately-blissful, abundant, prosperous, compassionate, discerning, creative, intelligent, expressive, truthful, and, above all, POWERFUL AS HELL CREATOR BEINGS who quite literally EXEMPLIFY and LIVE a life fit for fucking GODS no less.
And much like the child of a king is eventually destined to inherit the keys to the entire kingdom, the child of GOD is eventually destined to one day inherit the entire COSMOS for itself. And yet, NOT in a sense of conquering and conquest and control and domination and some false sense of "superiority" over another, BUT, in a sense of LOVE, WISDOM, HUMILITY, HARMONY, BALANCE, KINDNESS, TRUTH, and ALL GOOD THINGS that are TRULY worth STANDING UP for. Where human beings find and recognize and accept and acknowledge and above all, APPLY their TRUE POWER, and NOT some illusory, insecure, fucked-up and distorted/demonic version or interpretation of the same.
And THAT, my friends, is what the GREAT AWAKENING is ALL ABOUT.
You are NOT merely called the Children Of GOD without some DAMN GO(O)D REASON you know ;) ;)
Enjoy the show.
P.S. Feel free to SHARE the post or SPREAD THE WORD around, if you feel so inclined to!!! Cheers!!! And have a wonderful day!!! <3 <3 <3
I have to ask what your opinion is on the bible texts having possibly been manipulated over time by the powers that be?
Do you believe that the message of God and the word of Jesus in the bible are still exactly the same as they were 2000 years ago?
Do you think that rulers might have changed a few things to obfuscate the teachings that can be found in the bible? Maybe it's possible that whole sections of Jesus' teachings have been left out? Or that Revelations was added to the bible as a form of predictive programming?
There's many people who think that reincarnation might have been a part of Jesus' teachings. Do you think it's possible that for instance at the Council of Nicea the rulers of the time decided to do away with reincarnation since this teaching was too empowering for the common folk?
And oh, by the way, this reminds me of a fun fact. Alas, I can neither call it fun nor fact, because it's ultimately fucked up as all hell and I have no real means to prove it in any case. Nevertheless, here goes nothing...
Speaking of predictive programming, there are certain beings (of the negative sort) that are capable of, well, time travel. So, they can simply go to a past time-point of their choosing, and say, plant a book in a specific location of their selection. Then, they come back to the present time, and "predict" that such and such book (from none other than GOD!) will be found in so and so place.
The "book" in question, then crowns them (the book-planters) as being such people as "God's chosen people" or whatever, and the book also contains an exhaustive list of God Given Commandments for Sin-Free Living. Commandments, which unsurprisingly contain every last rule IMAGINABLE that helps these deceptive ones maintain great control, power, and what-else-have-you by convincing their innocent / ignorant / asleep followers that they (the book planters) are God's chosen people of incomprehensible powers and strength.
Some of these "strengths" are of course advanced hologram projectors, and certain other powerful technologies that can convince many an asleep human of these ones' God-ness. Because obviously, someone with time travel tech at their disposal are going to have a lot of other advanced technologies at their disposal as well. And so, humanity's enslavement to various Gods and God-beings continues.
This (and similar time-travel related power-trippy shenanigans) have happened in more places and more times than it's even possible to count at this point in time.
Some folks on here (who have already dug deep enough into certain rabbit holes) can already guess as to which specific negative beings I'm ultimately referring to in here.
Yes, it's (mostly) always them; our usual suspects. R________ something something.
Imagine there's a movie, put out by Hollywood, that explains life, the universe, and everything. The movie seems fantastical, but at the end of the movie it is revealed that it's not just a movie, but it's all true. Not only is it all true, but it's the Whole Truth.
At first you might be like, "Uh, I don't think that's how it works. While I appreciate some parts may have some truth in it, there is evidence that there is more to it, and some parts may be mischaracterized, not matching other evidence."
But what if you were forced to watch that movie every Sunday. And you were told to teach your children that the movie was the Whole Truth. What if the movie "as Truth" was codified into law. What if that training went on for year after year, century after century, for millennia.
People wouldn't even question that this Hollywood movie was the Whole Truth. Obviously it's the Whole Truth. We've known it was so all our lives. This is the original movie. It's 2000 years old! I HAS to be true. If it wasn't true, it wouldn't have lasted this long!
Of course the evidence that there is more is still there, taunting the unwary heretic. The fact that some of the things included in the movie don't match other pieces of evidence is still out there as well, waiting for some Conspiracy Theorist to start spouting out nonsense.
Is the Hollywood Movie true, despite all the evidence that doesn't quite fit?
Beliefs are a powerful thing. They can create reality (lower case) and influence Reality (upper case). But if you want to control the world, and make a slave cast out of self-empowered beings, as the Church (AKA The Holy Roman Empire) did for a couple millennia; manipulating beliefs, distorting the Truth, through a Hollywood movie, that the diminished slaves are forced to watch, week after week, every Sunday, is a fantastic way to do it.
Just remember this, John Wycliffe was burnt at the stake after being strangled to death, for translating The Bible into English, by none other than The Catholic Church. The, "Roman" Catholic Church. Look at what The Romans did to Greek art, highjacked it, copied it, and did a crappy job at it. Just like they did with the Christian Movement around the year 300 AD. If you can't beat them, join them, or better yet, own them.
The LORD has protected HIS Word since the beginning. Ancient yes, lost in translation? Some. But in all honesty, that book existing is a miracle in and of itself.
Believe what you want, but there is a reason the Vatican had hits out on Queen Elizabeth 1's head. First protestant monarch. Protestant means, "Protestant" to the Catholic church. In Protest.
We need no mere man to communicate with our LORD. That is what Catholicism would have you believe. Wrong, Jesus is our intercessor. Bible says it clearly, which is why the Vatican wanted to keep The Word for themselves.
This is a war that has been raging for eons.
Any questions on the bible? Read it. Seriously. Most people just don't take the time to listen to The Word. I fall prey to not reading it all the time. But for reals, there is nothing new under the sun. We've been repeating the same story since the garden.
Loves. No disrespect, Just love.
Even still, Protestants are also fuck-ups. Look at modern Lutherans, Episcopals, Baptists, Methodists, even adventists. Can’t even settle on how to interpret biblical laws.
Eastern Orthodoxy for the win to rid the sin.
If you can't beat them, own them.
Does it surprise you there is division?
Remember, by Faith, by Grace.
Understanding and forgiveness.
I find it funny how hard Hollywood and others have worked to transform one of the greatest men of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Rasputin, into a perverse, Godless bastard filled with lust.
Rasputin was a man who called out the sick, disgusting filth in Greek monasteries, who fornicated with each other and boys. He was also against the great war of the Elites, and the corruption in his own church. He was even ignored when he warned that Poland would want to break away if Russia did nothing to feed them in the midst of chaos.
He was killed by a bisexual prince, who engaged in orgies, loved the occult, and built Mosques instead of churches. Then, he was burned with no say by communists. Most importantly of all, there is even evidence the British SIS helped make it happen.
God is not part of any denomination. He is the only denomination. You never hear Eastern Orthodox complain. But the mud slinging between Catholics and Protestants is pathetic. Always has been.