Right on the money. This is microwave technology and it has been used here in the US before. The Bundy Ranch standoff comes to mind for one and that dates back to Obumer's reign. I wonder how the internal organs of these people hit by this latest attack are doing? Beyond the skin lesions, many of them were complaining of pain, nausea, headaches, etc. There are two scenarios that I can see here - either the POS cops didn't know what they were doing and instead of using frequency enough to make them disperse, their incompetency cooked the people - or - they actually meant to do the people real harm just out of spike. Neither one is good, but the latter shows a real level of malevolence in their actions.
I like your ideas about trying to protect ourselves. I actually have a pair of glasses that have the mesh like you are talking about. But, like the oven door, the mesh makes it hard to see. I have tested some of the fabrics I have purchased and some work better than others, but they all offer some level of protection by reducing the signals. My answer is to layer the clothing. Where I live, I can get away with it for a large part of the year due to the colder climate. In the summer months, it is harder - but I still wear the protective clothing.
We must start thinking like this. They have used this type of microwave weaponry against us in the past, and they won't hesitate to use it in the future. This is on top of what we are getting bombarded with on a daily basis. Besides the EMF protective clothing on a daily basis now, I also have extra protection at night while I am sleeping. Some of the fabrics now are able to mitigate 5G signals. Unfortunately, the equipment needed to test 5G at home is really expensive, so one has to be able to trust the manufacturer's testing. I am not using any type of 5G device in my home nor is anything wireless. Also, no LEDs. My personal devices are off when not in use and kept in faraday bags. However, the number of identifiable signals that I can pick up in my home from the neighborhood has exponentially grown in the last 10 years from a couple to over 40 and is constantly growing the more wireless devices people purchase. They truly are creating an internet of things and it is becoming harder by the day to deal with the encroachment.
Right on the money. This is microwave technology and it has been used here in the US before. The Bundy Ranch standoff comes to mind for one and that dates back to Obumer's reign. I wonder how the internal organs of these people hit by this latest attack are doing? Beyond the skin lesions, many of them were complaining of pain, nausea, headaches, etc. There are two scenarios that I can see here - either the POS cops didn't know what they were doing and instead of using frequency enough to make them disperse, their incompetency cooked the people - or - they actually meant to do the people real harm just out of spike. Neither one is good, but the latter shows a real level of malevolence in their actions.
I like your ideas about trying to protect ourselves. I actually have a pair of glasses that have the mesh like you are talking about. But, like the oven door, the mesh makes it hard to see. I have tested some of the fabrics I have purchased and some work better than others, but they all offer some level of protection by reducing the signals. My answer is to layer the clothing. Where I live, I can get away with it for a large part of the year due to the colder climate. In the summer months, it is harder - but I still wear the protective clothing.
We must start thinking like this. They have used this type of microwave weaponry against us in the past, and they won't hesitate to use it in the future. This is on top of what we are getting bombarded with on a daily basis. Besides the EMF protective clothing on a daily basis now, I also have extra protection at night while I am sleeping. Some of the fabrics now are able to mitigate 5G signals. Unfortunately, the equipment needed to test 5G at home is really expensive, so one has to be able to trust the manufacturer's testing. I am not using any type of 5G device in my home nor is anything wireless. Also, no LEDs. My personal devices are off when not in use and kept in faraday bags. However, the number of identifiable signals that I can pick up in my home from the neighborhood has exponentially grown in the last 10 years from a couple to over 40 and is constantly growing the more wireless devices people purchase. They truly are creating an internet of things and it is becoming harder by the day to deal with the encroachment.