posted ago by Dicyanin2C ago by Dicyanin2C +19 / -0

Someone here is going to read this and the lightbulb will go on. That person will be good at compiling facts and posting relevant information. That someone will rise to the top posts and will get stickied, this is the answer.

The National Emergency that the United States is under right now is outdated, and as we here know, fraudulent. The decree of National Emergency opens up broad powers at the Governmental level and allows for legal overreach in the name of public safety.

Bill Gates just made a statement regarding Omicron being a natural vaccine. Omicron spreads faster and has better results than anything they have supposedly tried. There is no pandemic. It's over. However we as the world population continue to argue about masks, vaccinations, protesting rights, person freedoms.

At the end of the day, the National Emergency needs to come to an end. The Governmental Powers need to be reversed, no more EUA for ANY MEDICAL TREATMENT. You must know by now that the EUA is not just allowing the vaccines to be injected but drugs like Redesmir if that's how it's spelled, allowed to be used even though their causing mass injuries and deaths.

We need to just wake the hell up and take the narrative away from them. End the National Emergency. End any Mandate. And finally, arrest every single one of the corrupt chain of command that are all using this situation to personally profit off the deaths and maiming of the entire world. End the National Emergency NOW, AND THIS ALL BECOMES HISTORY.

Oh, and my plea for an anon to take this and run.... Facts need to be compiled. Documenting the powers the government has because of the emergency and how the government has manipulated facts in order to strongarm it's citizens. I do not have the time nor organizational skills needed. Go farm that sweet karma, better yet, go become the Hero you've always known yourself to be.

Carry on.