posted ago by metapriest ago by metapriest +19 / -2

I see a lot of people here confused about crypto. Some of this is shillery, some of this is justifiable skepticism, and some of this is outright lazy thinking.

Let me simplify it. Stop making metal compete with crypto. Both crypto and metal have advantages and disadvantages. Both of them can be used to protect yourself from inflation and thieving governments. One of the main advantages of crypto is it is invisible, so you can walk across a national border with a billion dollars in your pocket and nobody has a clue. One of the advantages of metal is you can still use it if the power goes off.

We are used to having technology be used against us, like Facebook, Google, facial recognition, surveillance tech, etc. We need to consider the possibility that we can use technology to our benefit (think 3d-guns). Whoever leaked the Bitcoin project online (probably some whitehat NSA researcher) probably paid with their life to give us this tech. I think Bitcoin was never supposed to be open source, that only banks would be able to mine it and make wallets. Instead, now anybody can make their own currency with just a little bit of programming knowledge. Crypto is open source, meaning, anyone can read, copy and modify the code.

Think about it, do you think the ATF created 3d printed guns to control us? Would you give your farm animals the ability to create their own currency when you control them primarily thru central banking?

The feds desperately don't want the survivalists to start using crypto. I've personally been threatened by the feds for telling rich people how to get some of their money into crypto.


Stack metal AND Buy crypto

And buy guns and homeschool your kids and grow your own food and filter your own water and stop watching TV and stop using Facebook and all the other good stuff you are already doing.