So it looks like the Parliament is voting for Dictatorship. They seem to me to be voting along party lines.
So the rule of law is ended there. And now the USA has an anti-democratic hostile occupying force as a neighbour, one that shares one of the vastest land borders anywhere in the world. How will the USA deal with the swarm of refugees that will now seek asylum in the USA? Nazi Germany showed what the sane will do once fascism takes root, people will flee a country where you have no rights, where your bank offers no security to your personal finances, a country where foreign mercenaries are invited to violently assault the citizenry. A window on all of our futures.
Firstly, thanks for posting.
So it looks like the Parliament is voting for Dictatorship. They seem to me to be voting along party lines.
So the rule of law is ended there. And now the USA has an anti-democratic hostile occupying force as a neighbour, one that shares one of the vastest land borders anywhere in the world. How will the USA deal with the swarm of refugees that will now seek asylum in the USA? Nazi Germany showed what the sane will do once fascism takes root, people will flee a country where you have no rights, where your bank offers no security to your personal finances, a country where foreign mercenaries are invited to violently assault the citizenry. A window on all of our futures.
Everything woke turns to shit
Shit, anon, the U.S. itself has a hostile occupying force controlling legislation in D.C.
The USA has some states with governors that fight to protect you, Canadian premiers have little power. Provinces do not have 'States Rights'.
I guess Canadians get to start New Canadia.