The Trump-Q team (TQ) are engaged in a worldwide war to prevent the takeover of the world by the globalists whose long term goal has always been enslavement of the world's people in a techno-feudal dictatorship.
TQ are fighting to prevent that. We pretty much all agree on that much.
What we don't know is what end design TQ is working toward. I am personally convinced that TQ has the intelligence and the power to overcome the globalists. I think the balance is tipped quite steeply toward our side and that TQ could accelerate their plan if they wanted to accelerate it.
If that is true then presently they are working the world into the form they want things to take in what I believe is a coming new age of enlightenment. What is their goal? What form are they sculpting the world into?
These are difficult questions to answer with any exactness or certainty in mid-February of 2022. There is substantial chaos and uncertainty in the world but we are obliged to account for facts if we want to understand the direction of the TQ plan.
One salient fact is the covid plandemic and the bunch of "vaccines" that have been injected into several billion people all over the world. The "virus" (what actually is a virus? Anybody got some covid virus? No?) wasn't too bad mortality-wise but it seems that the vaxes are the real bioweapon. It appears that a substantial wave of mortality is incoming. None of us really knows haw many people are going to die from being vaxed but a lot of people already have and it seems that the death rate is going to accelerate. Life insurers are acting wary.
So if TQ are actually in control, as they say they are (and I believe them), then this MAJOR trend is part of the TQ plan. This means that their end design for the world is a population that has been winnowed of many of the kind of people who did not resist, refuse, being injected with the holocaust vaccine.
Obviously this presupposes TQ knew the vaccines were going to be the actual bioweapon - but TQ presumably has access to all the communications in the world and of course they were watching and listening to the likes of Pfizer, Moderna and Biontech as they did their fraudulent research. So I believe they knew.
Thus it appears to me that the TQ plan is for a world with fewer people and that the people who leave "before their natural time" will be selected by a kind of accelerated natural selection process.
I see this as a fact that is very difficult to deny as denying it means believing that TQ didn't know beans about the real nature of the vaxes and so they are not anywhere near being in control.
For the rest of their plan I believe they are going to restore nations and restore commonwealth and personal freedom and that there is going to be an age of peace.
I think America is going to return to being the world's leader as this age of peace comes into being.
As to the timing, I believe the current roughness is the early stage of change.
In the end -
Or there could be a cure. There are known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. Never underestimate either!
I doubt that there's a cure for death.