Canada Has By Vote, Become Officially Communist.
At a vote of 185 to 151, the DemoLibs of Canada have successfully made their PM TruDope a Communist Dictator by agreeing to formally vote in his “Emergency Powers”! God bless the Conservative people of Canada, and have no mercy on the Communists that have allowed Tyranny to overthrow their country. Stand tall America. Russia, Brazil, a handful of other countries, and we are all that stand against the World Economic Forum. And We Will Win.
Not communists, a label they adore and proudly champion. Instead let's brand them what they truly are, with the name they hate worse than life itself:
Left-wing fascists. Their heads will explode as they hysterically flail to define fascism away from what they're doing—and desperately try to convince you of the yuge important highly significant DIFFERENCE between evil bad fascism and wholesome healthy communism!