I’ve shared their site before and I’ll share again as we Anons all should be educating ourselves on our enemy, and knowing their plans too! It allows us to keep eyes on and inform our Patriots of incoming community or political movements from the Street Soldiers of The Cabal. Below is BLM/ANTIFA’s most recent organization news letter. Below that is their main info/organization site to surf and learn.
Everything they are planning and where they organize World-Wide is in this site. Learn to use it! Share it with all Anons and Patriots. Know Your Enemy to Keep Them Close in mind!
BLM's violence will look too atrocious to the public in contrast to the Canadian peaceful protests. Also, if they get off free and clear again, that will wake up more normies, since the Canadian peaceful protesters lost their assets and Jan 6th protesters who entered the Capitol got held without bail, without being charged, and in solitary confinement.
The only strategy that may work for BLM would be to mix in with our peaceful protests again, like on Jan 6th.