When your government freezes your bank accounts for protesting their authority, you are no longer living freely. You are living in a dictatorship. When your leader basically declares martial law and a state of emergency for a protest that has never been violent whatsoever, you are no longer free. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
Comments (9)
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Lefties don't mind the idea of living in a left wing dictatorship as they imagine it's not going to affect them because they are virtuous.
If only they knew that they are seen as the most disposable of us all. The communists call them "useful idiots" and have plans for them when they are no longer useful.
I'm an ex leftie!
The trouble with the left is their hatred of the right, well of course right up until the time comes when the same tactics are used on them. It's a bit like these so called celebrities who were calling to defund the police, until they needed the police then it was a different story!
Lefties don't care... they agree with, helped to create, and fully support these authoritarian assholes in power.
What they don't realize (because they are too stupid to unplug just long enough to see) is that if these power thirsty DS faggots actually do win and are able to force the reset, their BLMTIFA pals along with every other screecher will be first who are disappeared.
You don't.... actually think there are lefties here do you???
There are some on reconnaissance .
The pendulum of power swings both ways... precedents matter
In my lifetime:
First they came for the prayer in school, and I did not speak out— Because I did not pray.
Then they came for separation of church and state, and I did not speak out— Because I did not understand what the founding fathers meant.
Then they said God made me gay, and I did not speak out— Because I didn't understand the sinful nature of man.
Then they said gender can be fluid, and I did not speak out- Because I didn't understand Gender dysphoria.
Then they came for the truckers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trucker.
Then they came for the liberal democrats', and I did not speak out— Because they caused these problems and it was time for them to go.