Canadian frogs! Puckered out? When was the last time you 'clenched' this hard?? With Turdeau officially rescinding the emergency powers, GAW hereby awards you our PURPLE STARFISH! 🟣🌟 Butt! Guess who's clenching even harder tonight? DR. EVIL! Putin is cleaning house! HERE COMES THE PAIN, EYEBAGS!

You should be more open to new ideas.
Well, it's a nice shiny idea.
I dismissed it because it's wrong.
I linked Klaus Schwab himself saying it.
Do a search bud
easy to find that Putin is a WEF YGL
So did the WEF infiltrate the Russian government or did the KGB penetrate the WEF?
Has Putin, played them, flipped, been a double-agent?
Is the situation nuanced or multi-faceted or more than the black and white, boolean situation your mind thinks is playing out?
Have Putin's hands been tied until now, which is the perfect time to pile on the NWO?
Why the fuck does your theory not fit one thing I am seeing on the ground?
Why did Putin troll them for days? Why did he stand up before the economic forum and tell them the days of a globalist agenda are dead?
Why are the cabal freaking out so badly about the Ukraine? It's a petrie dish of Biden and uniparty corruption and Putin will blow it wide open.
*They have set up a cesspool of corruption right on Russia's doorstep where they could stage a "Ukraine missile crisis" at any point and Putin is going to play along?
Why did Trump just now, call Putin a genius?
He is in the process of handing them their asses and you are telling me this shit.
If you cannot see the broad pattern here of nation states fighting back against multiple NWO imposed factions then you are not seeing what is going on.
Here is a tip, try listening to Trump - and watch Taiwan.
Putin is a foil for nationalism to make the West hate the idea of nationalism
In return he gets Ukraine
He is not a good guy routing out corruption
Ukraine is a geopolitical mess and Putin is the cleanup crew
Not much more to it than that
You should try listening to trump
He sanctioned russia heavily