Eyewitness Reports Indicate Ukrainian Army Fired First Shots in War with Russia
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One of the underlying gists of Q is that Xiden isn't really in control. Trump is in control.
There's also speculation that Trump, Putin and Xi are trying to bring down the cabal, together.
That would mean, if Russia is getting a favorable deal, that it was arranged by Trump.
In abstract, the situation is on the other side of the world to the US. We have no legitimate business trying to direct what happens over there. Can you imagine the outrage if Putin was interfering with a pipeline from Mexico to the US?
So we don't even have a horse in that race, aside from keeping profits out of the hands of the cabal.
Also, for all we know, these actions going on in Ukraine right now are patriots cleaning up the cabal.
100% fog of war. Even if we knew the exact situation on the ground, we wouldn't know what that means in the greater picture of war against the cabal.