Eyewitness Reports Indicate Ukrainian Army Fired First Shots in War with Russia
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This article (like all news) must be read with a skeptical eye. It is clearly the Russian government's propaganda on the current situation. You should no more blindly trust this article than you would any of the propaganda in the western MSM.
At this point, the whole picture surrounding this situation doesn't make sense based on the information available which includes this article. What that normally means is there are things happening behind the scenes that are not being reported. Reality always makes sense. When things don't make sense it means we don't know the whole picture.
Some things to consider:
Xiden lifted the Nord Stream 2 sanctions (originally imposed by Trump) allowing it to be completed. Note that this is the pipeline that would allow Russia to transport more of its gas around Ukraine. If Xiden is truly opposed to Putin and Russia, why do this? Did Putin buy Hunter $50 worth of crack and he put in a good word for him to Xiden? The German chancellor has now suspended certification of the pipeline which was to be expected, but it also begs the question: Did they re-start the pipeline's construction so they could stop it again or did they genuinely not see this sitation coming?
Under Xiden, the Baltic Pipeline's construction has been paused. This is a pipeline from Norway, through Denmark, to Poland. If you truly want to stand up to Russia, you would want to support the construction of alternate natural gas pipelines into Europe to reduce their reliance on Russian energy. Xiden has failed to put any pressure on European authorities to allow for this pipeline's construction to continue.
If you put 1 and 2 together, it seems that under Xiden, Russia has actually been getting their way far more than under Trump. This makes it difficult to say what Putin's true side is in our current world situation. What we can say is that Xiden and the deep state have been cutting Putin more slack than Trump. The question is, why?
Q said Putin was controlled. I have yet to find a plausible scenario why he would say that and it be disinfo, which it very well could be but I couldn’t find a reason why, yet.
With your comment added to Uranium 1, it’s either shaping up that they were to use that to go to war with Russia or they’re all in on it & your points 1 & 2 would make option B much more likely.
Putin is WEF, no?
According to something Klaus said, but the dates don't line up. WEF young global leaders started after Putin was presiding IIRC
I'm well aware of all the Putin theories and the money planes and kicking out farm from Russia etc. Let us see. Fog of war is dense.