New post from the @Q account on Truth who may or may not be Q decide for yourselves I’m just sharing for those who don’t have access to the app yet
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

I feel like at some point they would simply have to do it (regardless of how many truth bombs they're dropping each new day or how authentic they really are) or it will only create more confusion amongst Q's actual followers, who have been clearly told not to trust any outside comms.
Unless of course, that WAS the original plan all along; to keep all sorts of plausible deniability regarding whether this IS the real Q or ISN'T the real Q, and let the hype generate for itself as more and more normies get wind of the matter and there's all sorts of media debate and shit going down while the massive TRUTH BOMBS keep dropping on here with Each. Passing. Day!
As far as the awakened ones go, they are awakened enough already in any case so a non-confirmation of authenticity (from Q) does little to nothing for them, per se. And regardless of that, they'll REGARDLESS be getting access to (what I presume are) authentic Q comms anyways, so this is a win-win for ALL!
And, as far as the sleepers themselves are concerned, many of them have been awakened/awaken-ing lately to a LOT of the goings-on within our world, ESPECIALLY SO all of that rampant Censorship and Bannings and Cancel Culture shit...so I take it that MANY of them would be super-curious about the (in)famed "QAnon" and what all of this hype / hiding is even all about. So this account would be a good way for Q to finally start dropping some exclusive truth bombs, teach normies how to connect the dots and decode comms and so on and so forth...giving them all a glimpse into this whole wild ride of ours. And last (but by no means the least), the chans and the kuns are not everyone's cup of tea to understand / navigate / comprehend...so a more Twatter like feed will give the sleepers a more normie-fied version of the Great Awakening, so to speak.
All of the above is all conjecture of course, and Q may very well confirm the whole thang tomorrow making everything I wrote above pointless. But then again, such is life.
P.S. I'm 10000000000000000000000000000000% CERTAIN that Q (and even Q+) know about this platform and hang out on here in some capacity or the other at the very least, whether they communicate on here or not. Anything lesser sounds just VERY, very unlikely to me, given the circumstances.