New post from the @Q account on Truth who may or may not be Q decide for yourselves I’m just sharing for those who don’t have access to the app yet
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
And Q would know that better than anyone. No indication any of that happened or is happening...so.....
No Outside Comms
Yes, that is exactly my stance on the issue until shown otherwise - and frankly, I do not see that changing anytime soon. This leaves me with a lingering question. Why would TS throw this out there knowing what kind of uproar it would create within the Patriot movement? This does not settle well with me.
Its stickied with "research wanted" flair. Maybe they just want some digging.
Okay, I can fly with that. I just desire that people move forward with caution before trying to read too much into this. We need more information before we come to wrong conclusions.