Was it an attack, or a smash and grab. Im with u, totally perfect location to conduct fukery ops
I dont think Putin is out to conquer shit. He wants those fuking biolabs off his border and he wants NATO nations to keep their distance. Im wagering the DS fuking trash used Chernobyl as a trafficking hub. Far away from prying eyes. How bad ass would it be if he cracks open that pandoras box.
I have a theory on this. If Russia is really doing all this to take out US BIO sites and/or the DS, maybe he wanted to take Chernobyl to prevent the DS exploiting the radioactive debris. Dirty bombs?
Or - maybe he wanted to prevent someone sabotaging the site which could lead to radioactive dust blowing over Europe or even further. FWIW, I heard a news story that said someone shelled nuclear storage today. I assume that may have been dry-cask storage.
Didn’t @Q also mention Chernobyl and two days latter Russia attacked it? Why would Russia attack a radio-active site?
Probably because it is not radio-active.
Then why?
Was it an attack, or a smash and grab. Im with u, totally perfect location to conduct fukery ops
I dont think Putin is out to conquer shit. He wants those fuking biolabs off his border and he wants NATO nations to keep their distance. Im wagering the DS fuking trash used Chernobyl as a trafficking hub. Far away from prying eyes. How bad ass would it be if he cracks open that pandoras box.
I have a theory on this. If Russia is really doing all this to take out US BIO sites and/or the DS, maybe he wanted to take Chernobyl to prevent the DS exploiting the radioactive debris. Dirty bombs?
Or - maybe he wanted to prevent someone sabotaging the site which could lead to radioactive dust blowing over Europe or even further. FWIW, I heard a news story that said someone shelled nuclear storage today. I assume that may have been dry-cask storage.