In enough concentrations it makes you sleepy. The air we breathe has a so.ewhat low concentration of oxygen and is mixed with other gasses. In a more pure form, the effects are different than normal air.
As I understand it, 100% oxygen at sea level pressure is fatal. There can be too much of a good thing. Deep diving gas mixtures are nearly entirely helium, because the oxygen fraction has to be within the safety limit for the depth pressure of operation.
It doesn't make you sleepy, 100% oxygen keeps you awake and alert. This is why military aircraft have a oxygen regulator so the pilot can keep his concentration in times of high stress levels. Its also very good for hangovers.
In enough concentrations it makes you sleepy. The air we breathe has a so.ewhat low concentration of oxygen and is mixed with other gasses. In a more pure form, the effects are different than normal air.
As I understand it, 100% oxygen at sea level pressure is fatal. There can be too much of a good thing. Deep diving gas mixtures are nearly entirely helium, because the oxygen fraction has to be within the safety limit for the depth pressure of operation.
It doesn't make you sleepy, 100% oxygen keeps you awake and alert. This is why military aircraft have a oxygen regulator so the pilot can keep his concentration in times of high stress levels. Its also very good for hangovers.
Thanks for that.