561 VIBE CHECK: Everyone ready for the ending to begin? "You met Q at a very strange time in my life." (media.patriots.win) THE FIRST RULE Q CLUB IS: posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +563 / -2 208 comments share 208 comments share save hide report block hide replies
amyl nitrate - basically a very volatile aromatic solvent. Not big or clever, just headaches
AKA anal nitrate. Ask your local homo why they use it.
OMG! This place is a real education for a sweet Southern girl! LOL I often read the hilarious pithy comments from my family here to my husband and he just grins and says he's going to take my phone. 😹
Hahaha. I try not to be too graphic, but I couldn't help myself on that one.
obooboo knows . . .
There's probably a 6 oz bottle of the stuff in Big Mike's handbag.