posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +52 / -1

Take a look at the financial markets. Any of them. What's going to explode soon? Commodities, precious metals and fundamentally sound stocks that are based in some sort of production/manufacturing of goods.

Oil, Gold, Silver all pumped then got dumped because investors are like gen z retards with the attention span of a coked up fiend.

The second war in Ukraine was pumped, oil and precious metals were flooded and the second a rumor was out that Russia is ready to negotiate Ukraine's surrender, they flooded back into momentum garbage like Netflix.

Anyone watching or trading in these markets should understand what happened the other day. The markets are walking the razors edge and the freaks have no idea what to do.

Just take a look at Canada. That Canadian version of Martial Law was a test. They told people they will permanently freeze their at will and it no biggie.

Something major is brewing and it's gonna hit like a brick when it does.

Now is the time to begin if you haven't started.