24m · Bush supports Ukraine.
Kerry supports Ukraine.
Biden supports Ukraine.
Soros supports Ukraine.
Pelosi supports Ukraine.
Hillary supports Ukraine.
Obama supports Ukraine.
Romney supports Ukraine.
Abromovich supports Ukraine.
Now do you understand?
Putin is the good guy in this.
It sure looks that way but regardless we can not "support" Russia. They must not be allowed near America and we must remain vigilant.
American problems are for Americans to sort out, not communist.
You are aware that Russia is not the USSR, right? Russia is not a communist country.
Putin had been steeling elections for how long now? They are still black bagging people. Their media personalities are still falling out of buildings and dying of rare poisons. Use your head man.
For a second there it sounded like u were talking about the Clintons
While I am not saying any of these things aren't true, I'll ask this... how do you know these things happened? Is your source the mainstream news, back in the past before you woke up? I'd honestly like to see modern evidence he's a really bad dude in the present because I don't trust the news on this, after the last few years, and would like to take a fresh look at all this but man, where do you go to find it?
How long has the CIA or other shadow agencies been black bagging or “suiciding” their own citizens?
It’s easy to point fingers but the fact is we do it too.
How do we know that stuff has actually happened? (because MSM reported it?)