posted ago by WeAreThePlan ago by WeAreThePlan +9 / -0

Maybe some of us had some doubt about there being a plan, but the recent events seem WAY scripted. Plus there's Trump getting very lively of late. Could this be The Plan?

Show, not tell, via COVID, Joe Biden being a dumb ass, and the like, what is really going on.

A Red Tsunami roars in this fall with MAGA folks instead of RINOs getting into Congress. Even the Democrats see this coming, although it actually depends on what WE THE PEOPLE do right now.

Nadler shits his pants. (Just wanted to throw that in.)

Congress starts getting rid of any federal agency not specified in the Constitution, which is most of them, with the budget and other means. 10th amendment actually goes into effect. Plus they fix voter fraud. And they shut down the CIA and sell the Langley headquarters for use as condos. Getting rid of the Fed and the income tax would be sweet too, and involves repealing amendments. We get an actually honest DOJ and FBI (I know, hard to imagine.)

Trump is made Speaker of the House (I understand the speaker does not have to be a member of Congress).

The MAGA House does the impeachment thing. Evidence comes out in a huge way that even the normies can't ignore.

The MAGA Senate has a trial and convicts Biden of 1) Being a Chinese Spy, 2) Being corrupted as hell, 3) Being involved in the COVID bioweapon fuckery, and 4) Being a dumb ass. He is kicked out.

Heels Up is president, but then immediately impeached and put on trial. Finding dirt on Heels Up should not be a great challenge. She is kicked out.

Speaker of the House becomes President, who is...

Nadler shits his pants again, because Deep State is in Deep Shit.

We build more prisons to house all the crooks.

Doesn't everything seem to be lining up this way?