There's not much help out there for you, I'm afraid, anon. The rest of us are all living in the objectively observable reality of the round rock.
May I suggest the TV series How the Universe Works? Even if you can't get what they're saying, the visuals are off the charts, and Mike Rowe's sonorous and mellifluous voice will lull you into a nice peaceful sleep where you can dream the earth is flat and no one will laugh. :)
I know some pretty based pilots and come from a NASA family. I’ve had the conversations with them and unless everything I learned is wrong, I’m running w most accepted astronomical principals. ET life is far more probable.
I've heard some pretty cogent and impassioned arguments on both topics from friends, but I'm going to need something more convincing.
There's not much help out there for you, I'm afraid, anon. The rest of us are all living in the objectively observable reality of the round rock.
May I suggest the TV series How the Universe Works? Even if you can't get what they're saying, the visuals are off the charts, and Mike Rowe's sonorous and mellifluous voice will lull you into a nice peaceful sleep where you can dream the earth is flat and no one will laugh. :)
I know some pretty based pilots and come from a NASA family. I’ve had the conversations with them and unless everything I learned is wrong, I’m running w most accepted astronomical principals. ET life is far more probable.
If you have family who are pilots and NASA and THEY can't convince you the earth isn't flat, then I got nothing for you.
That explains it. What planet are you from? Is it flat?
What are you talking about? I do not believe the earth is flat.