Electron orbitals make sense, and the theory translates to real-world observations in the way of chemical reactions, etc. But I can’t know what is truly going on. Again, not saying it isn’t true - but I can’t know in the truest sense.
Dinosaurs is more of a stretch (for application). Like I tell my friends and family, who think I’m crazy, I’m not saying they’re not real. I’m saying that if I showed you big old bones and got you to believe in big lizards, there’s lots of fun I could have with you. Dinosaurs are probably real - but I’ll never know - and I’m fine with that.
The more I learn, the less I know, and that’s okay.
Well you could put more effort into understanding the research around all of it. I don’t think it’s honorable to claim intellectual laziness in order to discount something. Others have done their due diligence on it, and so should you if you don’t know whether it’s true or not.
Electron orbitals make sense, and the theory translates to real-world observations in the way of chemical reactions, etc. But I can’t know what is truly going on. Again, not saying it isn’t true - but I can’t know in the truest sense.
Dinosaurs is more of a stretch (for application). Like I tell my friends and family, who think I’m crazy, I’m not saying they’re not real. I’m saying that if I showed you big old bones and got you to believe in big lizards, there’s lots of fun I could have with you. Dinosaurs are probably real - but I’ll never know - and I’m fine with that.
The more I learn, the less I know, and that’s okay.
Well you could put more effort into understanding the research around all of it. I don’t think it’s honorable to claim intellectual laziness in order to discount something. Others have done their due diligence on it, and so should you if you don’t know whether it’s true or not.
See the infinite regression problem.
“I know that I know nothing.” - Socrates
I research some things - I don’t have time for all of it.
So what's the point in asserting your disbelief in something that you aren't even willing to delve into researching and understanding?