posted ago by JordyTheCat ago by JordyTheCat +99 / -0

It really won't matter if Trump is back in office or not. Don't expect things to happen on our terms. Instead, try to think about how the plan (in a general sense) requires certain people who serve in very specific roles for a specific amount of time.

If Trump is required to be back in office, so be it. If he is not, so be it. He has already accomplished so much.

All that really matters is this World is being rescued from some seriously evil people. If we focus too much on Trump (or one person), we lose sight of the Plan. Trump, just like any other white hat, all have specific roles they need to fulfill. None of this is ever discussed outside of their circle due to risk of possible exposure.

Remember, this is about WE THE PEOPLE.

This is not about one man or another. This is not about rank. We are ALL in this together.

Remember that :)