“Now that the false [covid] narrative is collapsing, those responsible for this debacle should be asked to explain themselves. These people, however, are very cunning and they are already in the process of skilfully diverting the public’s attention to another place with a new narrative.
Today they are all talking about Vladimir Putin as the greatest threat to mankind. They hope to inflame people’s passions so they will not notice that Covid has somehow gone away even though a short while ago we were allegedly all in danger of dying from it.
Now Vladimir Putin is the greatest evil we have ever faced. And as the added bonus, they will be able to blame him for the inflation, depression and other catastrophes brought by two years of destructive Covid policies.”
“Now that the false [covid] narrative is collapsing, those responsible for this debacle should be asked to explain themselves. These people, however, are very cunning and they are already in the process of skilfully diverting the public’s attention to another place with a new narrative.
Today they are all talking about Vladimir Putin as the greatest threat to mankind. They hope to inflame people’s passions so they will not notice that Covid has somehow gone away even though a short while ago we were allegedly all in danger of dying from it.
Now Vladimir Putin is the greatest evil we have ever faced. And as the added bonus, they will be able to blame him for the inflation, depression and other catastrophes brought by two years of destructive Covid policies.”
What about the Polar Bears?!?!??!