Humanity is Being Liberated as White Hat Alliance Goes on the Offensive
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Who are the "fake" Jews and who are the "real" Jews?
The Middle East Semites are the 'real' Jews. The Khazarians, originally from the Ukraine area, converted to Judaism around 800 AD to avoid being overrun and run out by Russia and the local Muslim caliphate because Russia and the caliphate were tired of having their women and children kidnapped for the Khazarian blood rites and sacrifices. That didn't actually accomplish anything, though, because the elite Khazarians simply combined their Satan worship with Judaism and continued doing what they'd always done. Around 1200 AD Russia finally had to do something about that and basically ran the Khazars out of their homeland. Since nearly all of today's Jews are Khazarian blood lines, the term 'anti-Semitism' really isn't accurate.
Was "anti-semitism" coined by the ADL?
Based on what I've read, it was coined by the Khazarian Mafia to shame anyone that might figure out who they are and what they're about. The ADL is likely a part of that operation.
That's what I was saying. When the surrounding powers got sick of their shit, the Khazarians pretended to convert to Judaism in order to pass under the radar from that point on. They became "fake" Jews, actively integrating deeply into European Jewish society, while on the down-low continuing their Baal-worshiping, child-sacrificing ways that made everybody hate them in the first place.
The "real" Jews would then be all the other pre-existing Jews who had nothing to do with Khazaria, but now found themselves in the same group as all these new Khazarian "converts."
But Jewish in-group identity was strong enough that from outside, the Khazarian fucktards doing dastardly deeds was just seen as "what Jews do," while from inside there wound up being a tendency to avoid airing their dirty laundry to outsiders and instead publicly defending all Jews, while trying to deal with (what was seen as) the occasional miscreant as quietly as possible.
TL;DR: The Khazarians infiltrated Judaism. The history of Jews being repeatedly blamed for all sorts of horrible things is because the hidden Khazarian faction is still doing all sorts of horrible things and don't care if all Jews as a group get blamed for it.