241 Sad to see a PW thread piling onto Barr. "Why is he trashing Trump?" they ask? And it's nothing by slobbering, retarded faggotry. OPTICS, people! When the MSM sees what's coming... They'll see Barr's fingerprints all over it, and not be able to do jack one anything to stop it! (See top comment) (media.patriots.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +245 / -4 48 comments download share 48 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Trump talking about electoral fraud isn't going to make headlines.
Trump's AG talking about there ISN'T fraud is going to make headlines.
Barr et al. are all discrediting the fraud so that the NEWS TALKS ABOUT IT.
This is insane. What would make headlines is if Barr got off his fat ass and told the truth.
Except the news doesn't talk at all, ever, about the election fraud
In their fantasy world, it doesn't and can't exist: Elections are sacrosanct and 100% honest and lawful
So you must mean that the news talks about Barr discrediting the fraud
That serves to bolster their fake narrative that there was no fraud