If she is out and about, she should be confronted publicly about her lying and disinformation campaign. I'd love to watch a video of someone courageous enough to do that.
I'm going to guess, that's a negative. If there's one thing we've learned about the leftys it's that they are extremely narcissistic and will almost never admit when they are wrong or apologize.
Not until she goes kicking and screaming in a set of handcuffs will she finally cry like a baby and sing like a bird.
If she is out and about, she should be confronted publicly about her lying and disinformation campaign. I'd love to watch a video of someone courageous enough to do that.
get on it
Yeah, don't live anywhere in the area by a long shot. Hoping some New York pedes are available.
for them the disrespect is worse than death.
laugh at them. in public. voice your disdain. eviscerate their claims of journalistic integrity.
we need to go after the venues where they give each other prizes and pat each other on the back.
in short, we need to make it so the can't walk down the street.
that. that is true vengeance.
I'm going to guess, that's a negative. If there's one thing we've learned about the leftys it's that they are extremely narcissistic and will almost never admit when they are wrong or apologize.
She will follow the Democrat tactic of: Deny Deny Deny When faced with irrefutable evidence, Deny again