manxom 2 points ago +3 / -1

this. they know not to make martyrs. they haven't done that in 60 years or so. but here we are--movie.

manxom 4 points ago +4 / -0

don't even argue. just laugh at them. it's the one thing that will make them nuts. when they start complaining just laugh louder.

manxom 18 points ago +18 / -0

has to be a picture to be understood that fast. HW in orange at gitmo holding up a newspaper with his death as the headline. makes the question she asks: "is this real?" make sense.

manxom 4 points ago +4 / -0

the actual question isn't being asked: why are they using the most recognizable guy in the detail for these things?

manxom 7 points ago +7 / -0

it would be a real shame if the countries they think they are running to for safety suddenly changed their policies, wouldn't it? a real shame...

manxom 2 points ago +2 / -0

because that would make his audience stop listening to him?

manxom 3 points ago +3 / -0

an the black sheep who are left are the ones who wouldn't obey the horrifying institution they are a part of? keep the few and wipe out the rest for their crimes.

manxom 3 points ago +3 / -0

the question is: in what way does their ownership matter? how will they make good on their claim? in what way will it affect our lives, other than being a slide that drains energy away from the actual fight?

manxom 0 points ago +1 / -1

helping israel -> abraham accords/arab peace -> makes the hamas farce look like what it actually is

manxom 0 points ago +1 / -1

no. this would be the easy way. the hard way is the child burning more than a little of their hand. the hard way makes the holodomor look like a walk in the park. the hard way kills hundreds of millions and has billions truly suffering. "where are the arrests?" doesn't fix the underlying problem of the stupid that let this happen in the first place. it doesn't fix the dimwads who will be suckered in AGAIN. all the support needs to be cut for these assholes and that involves a LOT of people learning that there is no "feel good" path out. the problem isn't the system you are pointing at. the problem is the system underlying that one. back up and take a look at the big picture the way Q told us to. it's an ugly picture. the level of blackmail that creates what we see is amazing. the number of people who see that evil system as the only way to function and do business is amazing. the idea that we can root them out, and actually get ALL of them without this turning into societal pain is a non-starter. a quick reading of the old testament is a good taste of what assholes humans actually are and just what level of pain it takes to teach them to be better. all those prophets got ignored until the suck got deep enough because God let them put their hand on the fukking stove.

manxom 1 point ago +2 / -1

yes. learning lessons the hard way. or, the only way humans ever actually learn anything. and, like the child burning their hand on the stove, still the lesser amount of pain. that might be hard to accept, but it is the horrifying truth. the pain that we have avoided by doing it this way is far greater.

manxom 1 point ago +1 / -0

because dad is letting them put their hand on the stove and get burned, but a lot of them are no longer bright enough to know where the pain is coming from.

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