We all know that the MSM's job is to mislead. That doesn't mean that the other side is the "real story".
Our MSM / government lies.
Their MSM / government lies.
This topic was actually stickied and labelled "true Ukrainian news", and it features a virtual cartoon characterization of Russian propaganda; complete with the mandatory hammer and sickle pin.
Just remember, being awake to MSM lies does not make the opposite true. That's a trap that is showing itself on this board lately.
"This is NOT a neutral source. The flag behind this "Texan" is the flag of Donetsk, the region that is fighting the Ukraine government and wants to be aligned with Russia."
please. Go and dissect the comment history of half this .win and you'll find the same approach about different topics. This is just an example of someone with an opinion so far.
Says the sockpuppet who responded to a post by a long time board member titled "There is zero evidence that a wide-scale and massive invasion is happening in the Ukraine. Russian intervention looks tactical and limited. MSM and Xiden cannot sustain this false narrative" with the following comment-
"ZERO evidence"... yeah... that makes sense eyeroll emoji. Considering we've seen years of evidence that they use the standard 'best lie' model i.e. 'contains some truth' this perspective is stupid. Plus, Q said "use logic".
We all know that the MSM's job is to mislead. That doesn't mean that the other side is the "real story".
Our MSM / government lies. Their MSM / government lies.
This topic was actually stickied and labelled "true Ukrainian news", and it features a virtual cartoon characterization of Russian propaganda; complete with the mandatory hammer and sickle pin.
Just remember, being awake to MSM lies does not make the opposite true. That's a trap that is showing itself on this board lately.
We know you posted in support of VAERS 9 days ago and were apparently reactivated 6 days ago.
You commented the following since your return -
"Umm this really seems like Russian propaganda written for a Western audience. Like Josef Goebbels level bad."
"Guys, what am I missing here? This is pure Russian propaganda."
"This is NOT a neutral source. The flag behind this "Texan" is the flag of Donetsk, the region that is fighting the Ukraine government and wants to be aligned with Russia."
"Russia didn't comply with the Minsk agreement either."
After you claimed Russia was communist, somebody told you it wasn't. This was your response-
"I actually hadn't considered this question, so I looked it up. Turns out there is a point to be made that it is no longer technically Communist."
What is your job? That's what we don't know.
Got a few of these types infiltrating. https://greatawakening.win/p/142AmxtQ9f/bqqm-another-one-bites-the-dust/
please. Go and dissect the comment history of half this .win and you'll find the same approach about different topics. This is just an example of someone with an opinion so far.
Says the sockpuppet who responded to a post by a long time board member titled "There is zero evidence that a wide-scale and massive invasion is happening in the Ukraine. Russian intervention looks tactical and limited. MSM and Xiden cannot sustain this false narrative" with the following comment-
You're glowing.
Glowies on fire. Y so obvious bois?
Guys, this is fine. Stop reporting.